Modern Psychological Studies
Volume 8, Number 1 (2001)
The relationship between single-sex and co-educational environments on socioemotional development
Jennifer M. Bonds-Raacke and Sandra D. Nicks
Spontaneous countermeasures during polygraph examinations: an apparent exercise in futility
Kimberly D. Otter-Henderson and Charles R. Honts
Influence of question-phrasing and response-scale in speed estimation of witnessed accidents
Melissa M. Winter and Gloria Marmolejo
Influence of social facilitation and gender differences on purchasing behavior of consumers in a mall
Laura J. Lee and Allison L. Martin
The correlation of social approachability, social interaction, and tolerance levels depending on the presence of a dog
Darla J. Lawson
Peer perception of physically attractive children and prejudicial biases against physically unattractive children
Darla J. Lawson
The influence of postevent credibility in the report of eyewitnessed events
Shelly Wolesky and Gloria Marmolejo
"Woman is man's best friend and her own worst enemy": jury bias
Ashley C. Nielson, Laura K. Jones, and Timothy M. Woodrum
How gender differences and the visual/verbal aspect of instructions affect problem solving
Tracy Forman
Effects of campus climate and attitudes on the identity development of gay, lesbian and bisexual college students
Katherine M. Yamakawa and Elizabeth Nutt Williams