Day 2, April 15 - Posters
Viable bacterial presence on environmental surfaces of a newly constructed children’s outpatient clinic at Erlanger Hospital
Start Date
15-4-2020 1:00 PM
End Date
15-4-2020 3:00 PM
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Place of Publication
Chattanooga (Tenn.)
We studied waiting areas and patient rooms in the Kennedy Outpatient Center for children. Floors (72 to 87%) were contaminated with viable bacteria. These results suggest the need for improved floor cleaning to reduce contamination of patient rooms.
April 2020
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Spratt, Henry, "Viable bacterial presence on environmental surfaces of a newly constructed children’s outpatient clinic at Erlanger Hospital". ReSEARCH Dialogues Conference proceedings. https://scholar.utc.edu/research-dialogues/2020/day2_posters/93.
Viable bacterial presence on environmental surfaces of a newly constructed children’s outpatient clinic at Erlanger Hospital
We studied waiting areas and patient rooms in the Kennedy Outpatient Center for children. Floors (72 to 87%) were contaminated with viable bacteria. These results suggest the need for improved floor cleaning to reduce contamination of patient rooms.