Modern Psychological Studies
Volume 13, Number 2 (2008)
Relationship between trait anxiety and health-related factors
Sarah L. Garnaat, Jessica E. Gwinn, Sara L. Riley, Lisa A. Winslow, Michael C. Hansbourgh, Amanda L. Zielinski, Erin L. Gorter, Jennifer Blevins, and Sumner J. Sydeman
The relationship between racial attitudes and racial anxiety in a diverse academic setting: is it black and white?
Chelsea G. McAloon
The role of life events, coping style, college adjustment, and parent and peer relationship quality in predicting relational aggression in first-year college students
Annelise Nelson and Jennifer Ruh Linder
Integrating eastern philosophy into western psychology: a primer for students of applied psychology
Erica Hurley and Jennifer L. Callahan
Changes in breast cancer survivors' prayer from before diagnosis to currently: a pilot study
Jean C. Bilger, Jennifer Eldridge-Houser, and Carol Cox
The relationship between stress and college adjustment: the moderating role of spirituality
Ashley K. Gilliam, Carolyn McNamara Barry, and Natasha A. Bacchus
Body dissatisfaction and self-esteem among male college students
Jessie Devlin, Lindsay Ross, and Beth A. Kotchick
Big five personality characteristics and commitment levels in romantic relationships
Ruth S. O'Brien, Joy N. Smithson, Barth L. Weathington, and Lauran R. Booher