Modern Psychological Studies
Volume 15, Number 2 (2010)
Gender ratio and stereotype threat in an academic setting
Theodore T. Bartholomew
Cognitive dissonance: effects of perceived choice on attitude change
Jessica C. Miklosovic
Postnatal depression: a review of the literature
Shannon Pridgen and Minhnoi C. Wroble Biglan
Is there a relationship between participation in athletics and eating disorders?
Jamie L. Constantz and Susan E. Mason
A model of animal bereavement with pair-housed male rats using the forced swim test model of depression
Lindsay Kalin Dutton
Verbal abuse in married versus non-married couples: the relationship between perception of acceptability and experience
Po Wa Wong and Brigitte K. Matthies
Family communication predicts the decisions of adolescents to engage in sexual behaviors
Keyanna R. Turner, Connie Tang, Jessica F. Jablonski, and Sara Martino
When counting sheep becomes counting worries: insomnia, rumination, and depression
Huiting Lui, Partrick Rich, Emily Maurer, and Shivani Santoki