Modern Psychological Studies
Volume 21, Number 1 (2015)
The effect of cause-related marketing and motivation on consumer perceptions
Gina McCoy and Randall A. Renstrom
Assessing and predicting the financial capacity and financial literacy of college students
Cody Solesbee
The effect of audio recordings and photographs of autistic and typical children on social judgments
Lauren Ulander and Ingrid Farreras
Love is a battlefield: experience of love in relation to depression
Laura Hill and Cherisse Flanagan
Perpetration experience and gender predicting empathy with a stranger or acquaintance rapist
Ruby L. Orth and Suzanne L. Osman
Fitting the mold: alcohol use and body image disturbances in athletes and greek-affiliated undergraduates
Britany Miley and Holly McCartney Chalk
The relationship between individual differences in rumination, distractibility, and depression
David Y. Suh and Deanna M. Barch
Microexpression detection in undergraduate students
Cameron R. Howell and Rebecca E. Hughes
Auditory startle response predicts introversion: an individual analysis
Kirby M. Jaeger, Austin H. Cox, David Philip Arthur Craig, and James W. Grice
Synesthesia and memory: an exploratory analysis
Caleb Robinson