This is what America looks like

This is what America looks like

Hannah Ragan
Mae Stuart
Lauren Croteau
Tyler Clemons

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Dept. of History


This is What America Looks Like. The name, inspired by the protest chant currently used to support to reinstatement of DACA, is intended to signify an embrace of the diversity of modern day America. After Nicholas makes a snide remark telling Eleanor, a Guatemalan immigrant , to go back to her own country, Mrs. Baker 's 3rd grade class is tasked with exploring their families' immigration history and journey to America. The story centers around a group of four students: Nicholas, a descendant of Eastern European immigrants who arrived at Ellis Island over a century ago; Grace, who came from Chinese immigrants searching for a better life in California; Gabriel, whose distant grandmother came to New Orleans from Haiti ; and Eleanor, who immigrated with her family from Latin America ; telling the stories they learned about their unique and diverse family histories. The story wraps up with Nicholas realizing that his own family history is not much different than the life of Eleanor, and concludes with him apologizing to her.