Day 2, April 15 - Presentations
Start Date
15-4-2020 1:00 PM
End Date
15-4-2020 3:00 PM
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Place of Publication
Chattanooga (Tenn.)
Aerosolized drug delivery in human airways is important for treatment of several pulmonary ailments such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary infection, etc. A targeted and preferred regional deposition of the inhaled drugs is key for maximizing the efficiency and minimizing the side effects of inhaled drugs. While advancements in radiological imaging has allowed to obtain valuable information about anatomy and subsequent selection of treatment procedure, the available information is still limited. To this end, computational tools can provide further insight to assist in improving efficiency of aerosolized drug delivery-based treatment procedures. However, flow within such biological systems has wide range of features such as separation, recirculation, shear layers, transition to turbulence, complex geometry, aerosol dynamics, etc., which makes their investigation a challenging task. The ongoing study is focusing on establishing a computational approach for investigation of airflow and aerosol deposition within realistic human airways. In this talk, some preliminary results are reported for the airflow dynamics within the extrathoracic airways.
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Sethi, Jigme; Arabshahi, Abi; and Sethi, Jigme, "Computational investigation of airflow dynamics in human airways". ReSEARCH Dialogues Conference proceedings.
Computational investigation of airflow dynamics in human airways
Aerosolized drug delivery in human airways is important for treatment of several pulmonary ailments such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary infection, etc. A targeted and preferred regional deposition of the inhaled drugs is key for maximizing the efficiency and minimizing the side effects of inhaled drugs. While advancements in radiological imaging has allowed to obtain valuable information about anatomy and subsequent selection of treatment procedure, the available information is still limited. To this end, computational tools can provide further insight to assist in improving efficiency of aerosolized drug delivery-based treatment procedures. However, flow within such biological systems has wide range of features such as separation, recirculation, shear layers, transition to turbulence, complex geometry, aerosol dynamics, etc., which makes their investigation a challenging task. The ongoing study is focusing on establishing a computational approach for investigation of airflow and aerosol deposition within realistic human airways. In this talk, some preliminary results are reported for the airflow dynamics within the extrathoracic airways.