Day 2, April 15 - Presentations
Start Date
15-4-2020 9:00 AM
End Date
15-4-2020 11:00 AM
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Place of Publication
Chattanooga (Tenn.)
Methods of estimating the capacity of driven piles from dynamic pile top data have been well established for many years. The STADYN program uses a finite element methodology that is different from those currently in use. In this paper this program is applied to a well documented pile scenario of concrete piles driven into predominantly cohesionless soils. The pile top force-time and velocity-time history is applied to the model and the results compared with both dynamic tests using conventional methods and static load test results. The results are mixed; the dynamic results compare well with CAPWAP but other factors suggest that more work needs to be done on the STADYN model.
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Warrington, Don C., "Inverse Analysis of Driven Pile Capacity in Sands". ReSEARCH Dialogues Conference proceedings. https://scholar.utc.edu/research-dialogues/2020/day2_presentations/62.
Inverse Analysis of Driven Pile Capacity in Sands
Methods of estimating the capacity of driven piles from dynamic pile top data have been well established for many years. The STADYN program uses a finite element methodology that is different from those currently in use. In this paper this program is applied to a well documented pile scenario of concrete piles driven into predominantly cohesionless soils. The pile top force-time and velocity-time history is applied to the model and the results compared with both dynamic tests using conventional methods and static load test results. The results are mixed; the dynamic results compare well with CAPWAP but other factors suggest that more work needs to be done on the STADYN model.