Presenter Information

Daley CulbersonFollow


University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Place of Publication

Chattanooga (Tenn.)


In November of 2016, actress and activist Evan Rachel Wood brought forth sexual abuse and assault allegations against her former boyfriend, Brian Hugh Warner (a rock singer professionally known as Marilyn Manson). Despite significant evidence of abuse, prosecutors were not able to file any formal charges against Warner for his alleged crimes against Wood. Wood’s allegations have revealed a deep-rooted issue in America's criminal justice system: the statute of limitations prevents many victims from pressing charges and receiving fair trials against their abusers. This research study analyzes the historical roots of the statute of limitations, its multitude of consequences, and Evan Rachel Wood’s persistent efforts to expand the rights of abuse and assault victims. Results indicate that varying forms of statutes of limitations have existed since the creation of laws, perpetuating gender discrimination, injustices in the criminal justice system, and fears among abuse and assault victims.

Document Type








The Stifling Statute of Limitations: The Historical Roots and Tragic Implications of the United States’ Statute of Limitations—And Evan Rachel Wood’s Daring Fight to Change It

In November of 2016, actress and activist Evan Rachel Wood brought forth sexual abuse and assault allegations against her former boyfriend, Brian Hugh Warner (a rock singer professionally known as Marilyn Manson). Despite significant evidence of abuse, prosecutors were not able to file any formal charges against Warner for his alleged crimes against Wood. Wood’s allegations have revealed a deep-rooted issue in America's criminal justice system: the statute of limitations prevents many victims from pressing charges and receiving fair trials against their abusers. This research study analyzes the historical roots of the statute of limitations, its multitude of consequences, and Evan Rachel Wood’s persistent efforts to expand the rights of abuse and assault victims. Results indicate that varying forms of statutes of limitations have existed since the creation of laws, perpetuating gender discrimination, injustices in the criminal justice system, and fears among abuse and assault victims.