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The Jeffrey L. Brown Institute of Archaeology, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, conducted a Phase I archaeological survey on a 3.76 acre parcel on the right bank of the Tennessee River at or about log mile 463.6 in Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee. The project sponsor was JIT Terminals, Inc. Construction of a barge unloading terminal was in progress when the testing program was initiated, and only half of the total affected acreage could be tested. A total of seven backhoe search trenches were excavated: three 20m long trenches were excavated across the crest of the T1 river levee; four 5m long trenches were spaced on the backslope of the levee. The minimum depth of the tests was 1.6m and the maximum, 2.5m. No aboriginal lithics, pottery, clay daub or mollusk shell debris was noted in any of the seven profiles inspected and photographed. Artifacts recovered from archaeological search trenching included one limestone-tempered plain sherd and twelve pieces of flint debitage and utilized flakes. All other ceramics were recovered in unassociated contexts in construction trench spoil piles. Artifacts recovered from construction spoil piles included one shell-tempered plain, three limestone-tempered plain, and one limestone-tempered fabric marked sherd. Ten pieces of flint debitage and utilized flakes were retrieved from construction spoil. Degradation of the T1 river levee crest may have occurred in the recent past due to machine grading of the parcel to remove surface vegetation. This truncation of the "A" horizon soils appears to be minor, however. The backslope area of the Ti levee has been filled with redeposited "B" horizon soils to a depth of one meter, more or less. "A" horizon soils on the backslope were generally shallow, i.e. 0.3m to 0.5m. Light, scattered fire-cracked rock is common in the upper elevations of the "B" horizon soils and lower limits of the "A" soil zone on the levee crest. Fire-cracked rock is largely absent on the backslope of the levee. Fire-cracked rock appeared with the highest frequency at the west end of the project area. Limited research on historic period site utilization suggests no significant occupations on the parcel from 1863 to the present. Historic artifacts from search trenching included only modern container glass and other debris. Due to the absence of a developed midden and the overall low frequency of artifacts, the JIT Terminal tract does not appear to contain archaeological resources eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places and no further research is recommended.


Dept. of Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies


College of Arts and Sciences


University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Place of Publication

Chattanooga (Tenn.)




Archaeology -- Tennessee -- Hamilton County; Antiquities; Archaeology; Hamilton County (Tenn.) -- Antiquities


Hamilton County (Tenn.)

Document Type



15 leaves



Call Number

F444.C46 C688 1999


An archaeological survey of a proposed barge unloading facility, TRM 463.6R, Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee
