"Brainerd Mill : archaeological investigations at the Brainerd Mission " by Loretta Lautzenheiser and Jeffrey L. Brown


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The Brainerd Mill Site is in Hamilton County, Tennessee, on the west bank of South Chickamauga Creek. The site lies approximately 800 feet south of Lee Highway (U.S. 11) and 2100 feet north of Interstate 75. Brainerd Village Shopping Center lies directly to the west of the site. The mill site was a portion of the Mission to the Cherokees established by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in 1817. Construction of Brainerd Village and the adjacent Eastgate Mall destroyed most remnants of the Brainerd Mission except for the Cemetery and the mill site. At the time of investigations at the mill in 1979, the lower portions of a log crib dam, the mill foundation and a possible canal were visible. The construction of a flood relief program for the South Chickamauga Creek watershed was proposed in the late 1960s by TVA. The project consisted of a levee, generally of earth fill, about 3.9 miles long. Levees on low-lying land were to be about 30 feet high, with an average of about 23 feet in height. The levee was designed with a top width of 14 feet and side slopes of 2.5:1.0. The channel of South Chickamauga Creek would be widened and relocated to restore flood capacity lost by leveeing the west flood plain, and old channels would be refilled. The proposed realignment of the sharp turn in the creek at the site of the mill would directly impact the archaeological remains.


Dept. of Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies


College of Arts and Sciences


University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Place of Publication

Chattanooga (Tenn.)




Archaeology -- Tennessee -- Hamilton County; Water mills -- Tennessee, East -- Antiquities; Antiquities; Archaeology; Hamilton County (Tenn.) -- Antiquities


Hamilton County (Tenn.); Brainerd Mission

Document Type



158 leaves



Call Number

F444.C46 L28 1983



Brainerd Mill : archaeological investigations at the Brainerd Mission Mill and Bird's Mill
