Committee Chair

Noe, Marcia


Dept. of English


College of Arts and Sciences


University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Place of Publication

Chattanooga (Tenn.)


Susan Glaspell, a "new woman" of the second decade of the twentieth century in America, left a valuable legacy for the feminists who would follow her. Her life and writings are examples of what women are capable of doing when given the opportunity. In both she sought to prove that women could participate in life fully--and on their own terms. A woman should not only expect Virginia Woolfs "room of her own," but should be allowed to use a mind of her own.


After thirty-two years of taking graduate courses, it is with some embarrassment that I bring to closure the Master's degree--begun originally on the campus of Indiana University in theatre and now completed at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in English. In "Susan Glaspell: Feminist Playwright" I was able to draw from both areas of study and take advantage of the efforts of a number of my classroom professors, as well as writings and scholarship which span much of the twentieth century. At Indiana my graduate work began under Professors Richard Moody, Hubert Heffner, Gary Gaiser and Richard Scammon. Their classes, their friendship and their encouragement cannot be forgotten. As a mature graduate student at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga my thesis research was supervised and guided by Professor Marcia Noe. I am grateful to her not only for her careful reading of this thesis, but for her relentless encouragement to complete what had been started. I want to thank Professors Reed Sanderlin and Robert Vallier for giving of their time and counsel and for serving on my committee. Scholarship may be a lonely exercise, but it cannot be accomplished by oneself. The final form of my thesis would not have been possible without David Wiley, my husband. Where my computer literacy ran out, his took over, and the final printing was only one of his many contributions to my pursuit of a Master's degree--a pursuit which has endured just slightly longer than our marriage. I must also remember my son Richard in these acknowledgments, for when everyone else grew tired of hearing about Susan Glaspell, he continued to discuss my work with me. Anna Katherine Wiley March 7, 1989 Chattanooga, Tennessee


M. A.; A thesis submitted to the faculty of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Arts.




Feminist drama, American


Glaspell, Susan, 1876-1948


English Language and Literature

Document Type

Masters theses




iv, 93 leaves



Call Number

LB2369.2 .W535 1989

