Content Posted in 2017
A behavior based approach to improving safety in a manufacturing facility, Laura G. Kreager
Academic Standards & Scholarship Committee report, 2015-2016, Manuel F. Santiago
Academic Standards & Scholarship Committee report, 2016-2017, Manuel F. Santiago
Acculturative strategies and the outcomes of self-esteem and well-being of Latino immigrants to Boston, Jane Mellors
A comparison of non-verbal God concept in United Methodists, Jill Kasserman and Jennifer L. Johnson
A Comparison of the response topography of steady-state versus transient VERPs to global form and motion, Sophia Gray
A cultural resource overview of the proposed Riverpark extension, rowing center segment to fishing park segment, R. Bruce Council
Adaptive Leadership and the millenial generation, John Harbison
Adding vs. Averaging: How Do Job Applicants Evaluate Job Attributes?, Kirsten Montanari, Yalcin Acikgoz, Brian Thomas, and Connor Treyball
Adding vs. Averaging: How Do Job Applicants Evaluate Job Attributes?, Connor Treyball
Additional reconnaissance survey of the New Orleans Cemetery area, Sapelo Island, Georgia, Nicholas Honerkamp
A documentary overview of the proposed University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Greenway, R. Bruce Council
A documentary survey of a one block parcel in downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee : Broad to Chestnut, Third to Fourth Streets, R. Bruce Council
A documentary survey of a one block parcel in downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee : Broad to Chestnut, Twelfth to Thirteenth Streets, R. Bruce Council
A documentary survey of a one block parcel in downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee : Carter to Fort, Twelfth to Thirteenth Streets, R. Bruce Council
A documentary survey of a one block parcel in downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee : Chestnut to Fort, Twelfth to Thirteenth Streets, R. Bruce Council
Adolescent delinquent behavior and well-being: family-peer linkages, Pallavi D. Visvanathan
Adversity and Academic Performance Among Adolescent Youth: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study, Sukhdip Purewal Boparai, Tiffani Marie, Eduardo Aguayo, Jordan Brooks, Estefany Juarez, Sheana Soriano, Alasia Waters, Jaquez Donaldson, Joseph Reagans, Gracee Anguiano, and Allison Ipsen
Advertising preferences when presented with various ad stimuli: the impact of stereotypical versus non-stereotypical advertising, Jodi L. Bremer
Age and cohort differences in flashbulb memory, Jenny Denver
Age and gender differences in particpation rates, motivators for, and barriers to exercise, Margot E. Hickey and Susan E. Mason
Age-related dendritic changes in human occipital and prefrontal cortices: a quantitative Golgi study, Kelly A. Courns and Bob Jacobs
Age-related expectations of child witness credibility, Meredith Allison and R. C. L. Lindsay
A historical review of disgust, Amanda Burlington, Chad McDaniel, and David O. Wilson
Alleviating skin picking behavior in Prader-Willi syndrome using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and topiramate: a review of the literature, Jessica M. Blurton
Alzheimer's- the cholinergic hypothesis and gene- targeting stem cell treatment, Richa Gautam and Emma Nichols
A model of animal bereavement with pair-housed male rats using the forced swim test model of depression, Lindsay Kalin Dutton
An archaeological-historical summary of the Fortwood Historic District, Nicholas Honerkamp
An archaeological investigation of the Charleston Convention Center site, Charleston, South Carolina, Nicholas Honerkamp, R. Bruce Council, and M. Elizabeth Will
An archaeological survey of a proposed barge unloading facility, TRM 463.6R, Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council and Nicholas Honerkamp
An archaeological survey of the Brainerd Mission Cemetery, Krista Jordan-Greene, James N. Greene, and Nicholas Honerkamp
An archaeological survey of the Cargill grain elevator tract, Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
An archaeological survey of the phase I Riverpark development, Chattanooga, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council and Robin L. Smith
An archaeological survey of the proposed lower Amnicola Parallel Interceptor Sewer, Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
An Archaeological survey of the proposed outdoor drama Amphitheater Site, Moccasin Bend, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Lawrence Alexander and R. Bruce Council
An archaeological survey of the proposed Radisson Hotel construction site and River Walk Corridor, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia, R. Bruce Council
An archaeological survey of the proposed water reservoir on Scott, Holywater, and Sewanee Creeks, Grundy County, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
An "authentic wholeness" synthesis of Jungian and existential analysis, Samuel Minier
An examination of leadership styles among virtual school administrators, Stephanie Young
An examination of student perceptions of knowledge transfer in the first-year composition experience, Jill A. Blaser Beard
An exiplicit damping sensitivity expression for power system stabilizers applications in power systems, Miyada Ahmed
An introspective analysis of the etiological relationships of psychopathy in serial killers and successful business men, Krystina L. Quow
An investigation into the effects of social network strength and stress level on cardiovascular responses in colleges students, Amy R. Levitt
An investigation of gender, perceived gender-barriers to a future occupation, and academic achievement among delinquent adolescents, Lee A. Hand, Hilary M. Anton-Stang, and Zena R. Mello
An investigation of racial biases among rural police officers, Emily Pica and Karri Verno
An investigation of the relationship between narcissism and forgiveness of imagined relationship identity in college students, Stephanie J. Ball and Terry F. Pettijohn II
A noble task: Testing an operational model of clergy occupational health, Drake Terry, Christopher J. L. Cunningham, Ralph W. Hood, and Kristen J. Black
A novel optimization formulation for the direct computation of the voltage collapse point, Wafa E. Elballa
An overview of parallel distributed processing, Jonathan P. Heyl
A phase I archaeological survey of a parcel at the Southeast corner of Cowart and West Thirteenth Street Chattanooga, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
A phase I archaeological survey of a proposed 6" force main sewer route over Lookout Creek, Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
A phase I archaeological survey of the proposed Tennessee Riverpark, Battery Place extension, R. Bruce Council
A physics-based adaptive point distribution method for computational domain discretization, Philip W. Fackler
Applicant Reactions to Artificial Intelligence in the Selection Process, Hannah Booth, Katie Maness, Logan Ellis, Thorpe Daley, Yasmin Ayala-johnson, William Hodes, Nile Latowsky, Nkem Obi-Melekwe, and Yalcin Acikgoz
A preliminary archaeological reconnaissance of optioned properties in Tiftonia, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
A preliminary archaeological survey of the Spencer Marsh House, Walker County, Georgia, Nicholas Honerkamp
A quantitative dendritic analysis of four functionally distinct areas of human cerebral cortex, Serapio M. Baca and Bob Jacobs
Archaeological and documentary investigations of the Kyker Mill Dam, Washington County, Tennessee : a report, R. Bruce Council
Archaeological assessment and report of investigations involving Sweetwater Creek Watershed (PL-566), Philadelphia, Loudon County, Tennessee, E. Raymond Evans and Nicholas Honerkamp
Archaeological monitoring at the Citico Site, 40HA65, Chattanooga, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council and Nicholas Honerkamp
Archaeological monitoring of construction of a six-inch force main sewer over Lookout Creek, Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
Archaeological monitoring of construction of the Tennessee Riverpark, R. Bruce Council
Archaeological research at 40HA65, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Nicholas Honerkamp
Archaeological survey and monitoring of the combined sewer overflow control facility, Ross's Landing Park, Chattanooga, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
Archaeological survey and testing at Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Georgia, Robin L. Smith, R. Bruce Council, Nicholas Honercamp, and Lawrence E. Babits
Archaeological survey and testing of the proposed Riverpark extensions on Synair Corporations, City of Chattanooga, and NK Lawn and Garden Properties, Chattanooga, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council and Nicholas Honerkamp
Archaeological survey at the Citico site (40HA65), Hamilton County, Tennessee, Nicholas Honerkamp, Beth Fowler, Tracy Little, and Robby Mantooth
Archaeological testing at 40HA84, Audubon Acres, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Nicholas Honerkamp
Archaeological testing at Cherry Point, Camden County, Georgia: an evaluation of the prehistoric component, 9Cam187., Robin L. Smith
Archaeological testing at the Doak House and Academy, Greeneville, Tennessee, Nicholas Honerkamp
Archaeological testing at the Doak site (40GN257): the 2005 season, Nicholas Honerkamp
Archaeological testing of the Cedine Mound, Rhea County, Tennessee, Nicholas Honerkamp
Architecture, settlement structure, and labor relations at three antebellum plantations on Sapelo Island, Georgia, Nicholas Honerkamp and Ray Crook
Are job qualifications only skin deep? How stigma against tattoos can result in failing to hire more qualified job candidates, Sydney L. Reichin and Mark C. Frame
A report on archaeological monitoring of the Ross-Meehan Property, Finley Stadium, Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
A report on archaeological testing of the Twelfth Street right-of-way from Market Street to Chestnut Street including archaeological monitoring of street improvement from Chestnut Street to Carter Street, R. Bruce Council, Loretta Lautzenheiser, and Nicholas Honerkamp
A review of literature on the effect of immigrant status on Hispanic adolescents' psychosocial adjustment and achievement, Erin J. Carrol and Carolyn McNamara Barry
A review of the models of schizophrenia: and a putative novel, more unified model, Michael Vogel Bronstein
Are you really at the center of our success?: The effect of core roles on the relationship between individual performance and team performance, Olrica Turnquest
A Riemann-Hilbert approach to scattering on a one-dimensional semi-infinite crystal, Darryl V. Johnson
Assessing and predicting the financial capacity and financial literacy of college students, Cody Solesbee
Assessing cross-cultural competence: evaluating the psychometric properties and the nomological network of a modified version of the cultural intelligence scale, Kayitesi J. Wilt
Associations between the peer group and sex-role orientations among college-age men, Daniel L. King and Preston R. Bost
A study of physical appearance and level of attraction to the opposite sex, Sherynn J. Perry
A study of religiosity and conservatismin relation to social value orientation and philanthropy, Jessica Collins
A study of the photoacoustic effect in ethylene gas, Jay Nguyen
A study of the relationship between a college success course and student perception of the self-regulatory skills of concentration, motivation, and time management, Michael George Breakey
Athletics Committee report, 2015-2016, Joani Sompayrac
Athletics Committee report, 2016-2017, Gretchen E. Potts
Attachment and first sexual experience, Chrystal Goings-Vogelsang
Attachment styles and anorexia nervosa: a literature review, Lauren Battaglia and Carolyn McNamara Barry
Attention deficit disorder in adults, nutritional deficiencies, and the treatments available: a literature review, Emilee S. Manthey
Attitudes toward mental illness: the effects of electronic media and the social desirability bias, Brandi A. Klein
Attributional perceptions of dating outcomes, Peter D. Ormsby and Thomas D. Green
Auditory startle response predicts introversion: an individual analysis, Kirby M. Jaeger, Austin H. Cox, David Philip Arthur Craig, and James W. Grice
Automatic higher order mesh generation and movement utilizing spring-field and vector-adding, Tuo Liu
Automatic vigilance: does emotional state affect search times for positively and negatively valenced targets?, Stephen Long
Behavioral effects of irreversible dopamine receptor inactivation in the preweanling rat: assessment of the receptor reserve hypothesis, Suzanne L. Reid and Sanders A. MacDougall
Behavioral self-handicapping among male and femal athletes, Richanne C. Sniezek
Behaviors of a captive coenobita clypeatus in the presence of varying light stimuli, Larry D. Fort and Ingrid K. Tulloch
Big five personality characteristics and commitment levels in romantic relationships, Ruth S. O'Brien, Joy N. Smithson, Barth L. Weathington, and Lauran R. Booher
Birth, death, and recreation: An archetypical interpretation of Mary Shelley's waking vision, Irish-Ann Burch
Bluff Furnace : archaeology of a nineteenth century blast furnace, R. Bruce Council, Nicholas Honercamp, and Elizabeth M. Will
Body dissatisfaction and self-esteem among male college students, Jessie Devlin, Lindsay Ross, and Beth A. Kotchick
Body image distortion in college females: effects on exercise identity and commitment, Marie Schroder, Lauren Leslie, and Mary Leigh Gregory
Booming practice or bust? The use and development of competency models in organizations, Megan Loftis and Mark Frame
Brainerd Mill : archaeological investigations at the Brainerd Mission Mill and Bird's Mill, Loretta Lautzenheiser and Jeffrey L. Brown
Brief report: how implicit attitudes toward emotion regulation influence partner-directed aggression, Katherine A. Pendergast and Christopher Eckhardt
Budget and Economic Status Committee report, 2015-2016, Michael Bell
Budget and Economic Status Committee report, 2016-2017, Gavin Townsend
Bullying: Bullies, victims, and witnesses, Loyd White, Frank Hammonds, and Karena T. Valkyrie
Can interviews predict an employee's length of employment to a company?, Julia Kentner
Can you remember? Factors predicting memory accuracy in eyewitnesses, Jamie Rich and Wind Goodfriend
Catalpa, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Catalyst studies with implications on the design and fabrication of microreactors, Eric Snider
Challenges of reentering society for incarcerated African-American men, Monica L. Ricci and Carolyn McNamara Barry
Changes in breast cancer survivors' prayer from before diagnosis to currently: a pilot study, Jean C. Bilger, Jennifer Eldridge-Houser, and Carol Cox
Changing attitudes about employing the disabled: What works and why, James Hall and Richie Zweigenhaft
Characterizing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with the slip induction task, Allen L. Nida and Amanda J. Clark
Childhood animal cruelty motives and their relationship to recurrent adult interpersonal crimes, Joseph Ketron
Childhood poly-victimization and perceived family environment, Stephanie K. Gusler, Ann N. Elliott, Jefferey E. Aspelmeier, and Thomas W. Pierce
Children's understanding of intentions, emotions, and intention-emotion relationships, Kathleen Grace Haver and Elaine M. Justice
Classroom Technology Committee report, 2016-2017, Karen Adsit
Cognitive dissonance: effects of perceived choice on attitude change, Jessica C. Miklosovic
Color inversion and detail effects on face recognition, Jill G. Boltjes and Courtney L. Rust
Comfort food: obesity and mood influences on food uptake, Gabrielle Patterson and Wind Goodfriend
Communication of where an event occurred by a gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla), Megan L. Hoffman
Community-based mortuary archaeology on Sapelo Island, Georgia, Lindsey Cochran, Nicholas Honerkamp, and Ray Crook
Community versus traditional classrooms: is there a case for improved academic performance in elementary schools?, Jeffrey Elliott
Comparative analysis between MERRA and updated MEPDG climate database in the state of Tennessee, Abubakr Ziedan
Comparing computerized performance measures of executive funtion to self-report measures of executive function, Andrea Meggison and Michael Hein
Comparing the accuracy of decision trees and logistic regression in personnel selection, Kyle Marks
Complementarity in romantic relationships: constructs involved in individual and partner change, Rebekah L. Davis and Wind Goodfriend
Computational study of the effects of protruding studs casing treatment on the performance of an axial transonic turbofan, Max David Collao
Computer-mediated communication and group cohesion, Kirsten M. Barbosa
Confirming the dynamic model of working memory, Keith Christopher Weitze
Consistency is key: Intercollegiate athlete perceptions of the justice of team disciplinary decisions, Justin M. Jones M.S. Candidate and Elizabeth L. Shoenfelt Ph.D.
Correlates of life satisfaction and acculturation among university students, Carrie D. Morrison and Susan E. Mason
Creating a zero + energy building model, Ashley N. Thompson
Creating the context for effective culture work, Matthew Berberich
Crime and violence in men with schizophrenia: a literature review, Bianca DiJulio
Cross Cultural Examination of Applicant Reactions to Social Media Screening, Yasmin Ayala-Johnson, Yalcin Acikgoz, Ezgi Demircioglu, and Canan Sumer
Cross generational immigrant attitudes toward mental health services, Liudmila Shapoval and Elizabeth L. Jeglic
Current leadership development practices: a GE example, Nicole Wild
Curriculum Committee report, 2015-2016, Karen Adsit
Curriculum Committee report, 2016-2017, Charlene Simmons
Dating violence: college students' experiences and intervention suggestions, Ashley McNeil Ezell, Karena T. Valkyrie, and Casey Tobin
Death, etxtraversion, commitment, and sex: a study on terror management, Jalaal Madyun and Wind Goodfriend
Deception in research: how college students view deception, David Devries
Deception: neurological foundations, cognitive processes, and practical forensic applications, Jason T. Weber
Decision Making: Do People with Dark Triad Traits Utilize Advice?, Elizabeth D. McNamara, Alexander T. Jackson, Aneeqa T. Thiele, Stacey M. Stremic, Satoris S. Howes Dr., Michael Hein, and Mark C. Frame
Decision Making in Stressful Work Situations, Katie Poole
Decoding nonverbal expressions of emotion of men and women, Spencer Mac Adams
Defending your competency model: Sit back, relax and get comfortable, Kali Thompson, Sydney L. Reichin, Jessie McClure, Megan Loftis, and Mark Frame
Defining frame slave cabins at the Thomas Spalding Plantation, Sapelo Island, Georgia, Nicholas Honerkamp
Defining roles in the online classroom to assure learning, Chris Ponder II
Deliberate self-harm in clinical and non-clinical populations, Jeffrey T. Counterman
Demographic differences in drug dependency: implications for policy, practice, and research, Charles D. Baker
Descriptive norms: How specificity versus generality affects planned drinking behavior, Ana MarkdaSilva
Developing A Conditional Reasoning Test for Impression Management, Kirsten Montanari, Devon Hickman, Thomas Skora, Yalcin Acikgoz, and Yonca Toker
Development of a remote IoT laboratory for cyber physical systems, Amee M. Patel
Differences in body dissatisfication in traditional college-aged men and women, Joseph R. Cahoe
Distress tolerance and mental health outcomes, Carrie A. Stemke
Distribution and population genetics of Northern saw-whet owls in the Southern Appalachians, Danielle E. Floyd
Divorce in the family: how does it affect personality and views of love and marriage?, Kymberley K. Bennett
Does a measure of adaptive performance predict in-basket performance?, Emilie Seyfang, Mark Frame, Alexander T. Jackson, and Michael Hein
Does environmental enrichment while studying improve recall?, Jade-Isis A. Lefebvre, Jordan S. Lefebvre, and Lionel G. Standing
Does ethnicity affect how older adults deal with stressors at home?, Sarah S. Monazah, Jennifer A. Bellingtiger, Agnes A. Gall, and Shevaun D. Neupert
Does Lack of Communication Regarding Pay Negatively Affect Perceived Justice in the Workplace, Kyera Fletcher and Judith Van Hein
Do parental leave policies affect organizational attitudes of employees?, Brenna R. Coleman, Sarah V. Roach, and Adriane M.F. Sanders
Drinking and driving: a bivariate examination of select correlates of drunk driving among adolescents, Linda Cirillo
Dynamics of power in the organization, Clyde Howell
Effectiveness of treatment interventions for adults suffering from anger disorders: a literature review, Amy Levitt and Mark J. Sciutto
Effect of perceptions of profile images on hireability, Jessica Harris, Jailee Hollars, Logan Ellis, Kristin Collins, Kate Lesniak, and Shawn M. Bergman
Effects of an LGBTQ identity and support systems on mental health: a study of 4 theories, Aubryn Samaroo
Effects of attention and color on motion perception in Rorschach inkblot interpretation, Renee Hunsberger and Keith Feigenson
Effects of campus climate and attitudes on the identity development of gay, lesbian and bisexual college students, Katherine M. Yamakawa and Elizabeth Nutt Williams
Effects of communication and negotiation training on women’s entrance into the workforce, Macie E. Mussleman, Alexander T. Jackson, and Aneeqa Thiele
Effects of disability exposure on implicit association test scores, Jordyn R. Moon
Effects of ginko biloba on memory in rats for maze tricks, Christopher DeLeon
Effects of juror and expert witness gender on jurors' perceptions of an expert witness, Lynelle Vondergeest, Charles R. Honts, and Mary K. Devitt
Effects of levels of pleasantness and vividness on mood and recall, Ibolya Yolas, Melissa Pelkey, and Tiffany Porter
Effects of minimum word counts on writing tasks, Steven O'Brien and Verneda P. Hamm Baugh
Effects of orientation and meaning on mental rotation, Peter D. Elgin and Susan T. Davis
Effects of transcendental medication on blood pressure, Joanna C. Bovee
Employee characteristics: resilience and self-efficacy as protective factors, Stacey M. Stremic, Macie E. Mussleman, Aneeqa Thiele, Alexander T. Jackson, and Mark C. Frame
Employees that want to stay: How relationships with leader and organization interact to predict affective commitment, Adam Smith, Rachel Whitman, Sarah Slife, and Elizabeth Ritterbush
Engagement with the visual arts increases mindfulness, Lydia G. Fogo
Enhancing decision making by implementing likelihood alarm technology in integrated displays, Rylan M. Clark and Ernesto A. Bustamente
Ethical issues and attitudes towards euthanasia, Christa A. Mastro and Susan E. Mason
Etiological and gender perspectives of anxiety disorder development, Erika L. Harrington, Jeffrey S. Danforth, and Margaret Letterman
Event frequency estimations for non-semantic items, Max Ingersoll
Examing body shame of college women by type of sexual victimization, Ava T. Carcireiri and Suzanne L. Osman
Examining personality predictors of escalation of commitment using an urn study, Natalia Ramirez Campos, Elizabeth D. McNamara, and Alexander T. Jackson
Examining the effects of unethical behavior on an organization, Elizabeth D. McNamara, Natalia Ramirez Campos, and Alexander T. Jackson
Examining the impact of selection practices on subsequent employee engagement, Sofia N. Rodriguez
Examining the impact of selection practices on subsequent employee engagement, Sofia Rodriquez and Christopher J.L. Cunningham
Examining the Learning-by-Teaching Process Through Concept Maps, Lindsey Murry and Michael Hein
Examining the needs of refugees and refugee service providers: a case file examination, Alyson D. Miller
Examining the rapid non-classical effects of 17 beta estradiol on sexual advertisement behavior of the golden hamster (mesocricetus auratus), John T. Garretson, Spencer L. Gobbel, Christine M. Lewis, Luis A. Martinez, and Aras Petrulis
Examining the relationship between proactive personality and career success, Jeremy Owens
Examining Working Memory as a Predictor of Performance, Andrea Meggison
Excavations in the Bluff Furnace casting shed: the 1991 testing program, R. Bruce Council
Experience-dependent synapse formation and implications for developmental psychopathology, Monica Lawson and Meg Upchurch
Exploratory archaeological excavations at the Shelton Mill site, Chattanooga, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
Exploring the relationship between LinkedIn and perceived hireability by employers, Chris Maples, Parker Temple, Emily Smith, and Shawn Bergman
Exploring the relationship between socioeconomic status and health, as it affects men and women, Taylor Engel
Exploring the role of local adaptation in the response of Maianthemum canadense to climate warming, Spenser J. Ryan
Exploring three correlates of thought suppression: attention, absorbtion, and cognitive load, Carolyn I. Vicchiullo and Dana S. Dunn
Extending audience response systems to sexual harrassment prevention training, Elaina Dilts, Melissa McGehee, Trenton Phillips, Adriane M.F. Sanders, and Elaina C. Keirn
Eyes, eyebrows and their effect on the facial perception of hostility, Bradford L. Schroeder
Eyewitness credibility as a function of grammatical usage and presentation medium, Gregory P. Shelley
Factors affecting retention of first-time, full-time freshmen students at higher education institutions within the Appalachian College Association, Stacy J. Swafford
Faculty Administrative Relations Committee report, 2015-2016, Priscilla Seaman
Faculty Administrative Relations Committee report, 2016-2017, Parthasarati Dileepan
Faculty Grants Committee report, 2015-2016, Michael Thompson
Faculty Grants Committee report, 2016-2017, Sumith Gunasekera
Faculty perceptions of consensual sexual relationships between university faculty and students, April Bennett
Faculty Rating of Administration Committee report, 2015-2016, Gary Wilkerson
Faculty Rating of Administration Committee report, 2016-2017, Susan M. Thul
Family communication predicts the decisions of adolescents to engage in sexual behaviors, Keyanna R. Turner, Connie Tang, Jessica F. Jablonski, and Sara Martino
Female Bystander Intervention in Incidents of Workplace Sexual Harassment, Lauren E. Snowdy and Alexandra I. Zelin
Female managers: their struggle at work and in the home, Beth A. Mull
Female mating adaptations: Salient features and the influence of fertility status, Katherine Melton
Fitting the mold: alcohol use and body image disturbances in athletes and greek-affiliated undergraduates, Britany Miley and Holly McCartney Chalk
Fixed or flexible: the effect of negative feedback on one's religious identity, Erika Brown
Floccinaucinihilipilification, Bonnie A. Buffington
Fluorescence and UV-VIS studies of quinone-induced protein modifications, Charles A. Thomas Jr
Fostering empathy in children: A literature review and proposal, Jennifer L. Hanson
From Solitary to Solidarity: Belonging, Social Support, and the Problem of Women’s Recidivism, Erin M. Schnappauf and Theresa E. DiDonato
Gender and sterotyping in the United States and Spain, Suzanne Whitmore
Gender, consent, and hermaphroditic legibility in James Joyce's Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, Carter R. Elsea
Gender difference in perceiving aggression using the Bobo doll studies, Dorothy Altin, Jessica Jablonski, Jennifer Lyke, and Marcello Spinella
Gender differences in memory recall, April Baer, Nevelyn N. Trumpeter, and Bart L. Weathington
Gender differences in parental leave policy perceptions in academic departments, Jordan Eschman, Victoria Simpson, Christina Scott, and Adriane M.F. Sanders
Gender differences in policing: a consideration of care ethics, Whitney Harvey
Gender, family composition, and social mobility at Fort Frederica, Georgia, 1736 - c. 1750, Nicholas Honerkamp
Gender patterns in dress and outward appearance: an individual choice or fulfillment of cultural expectations?, Caroline J. Lindemuth, Lindsey A. Thomas, Hadley A. Mates, and Jenessa A. Casey
Gender ratio and stereotype threat in an academic setting, Theodore T. Bartholomew
General Education Committee report, 2015-2016, Lane Wilkinson
General Education Committee report, 2016-2017, Lane Wilkinson
Glucagon produces delayed increase in drinking-associated food intake, Brian A. Carr and Paul J. Kulkowsky
Glucose, exercise, and short-term memory, Brenda Davidson, Cheryle Sanders, and Gwendolyn K. Murdock
Gullah-Geechee landscapes on Ossabaw Island, Georgia, Nicholas Honerkamp, Meredith Gilligan, and Taylor Maxie
Habitat-specific fitness benefits of sociality in Octodon degus, Madeline Klees Strom
Helping behavior in heavy metal concerts, Jared Wildberger and Ingrid G. Farreras
Higher order mesh curving using geometry curvature extrapolation, Kristen Karman
Hindsight bias in the 2012 United States presidential election, Judith Gilbert
Historical and archaeological documentation of the Wilson Mill Dam on the Ocoee River near Benton, Polk County, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
Honor Court Committee report, 2016-2017, Marcia Noe
Hope, Life Satisfaction, and Motivation, Haley K. McConnell and Laura G. Stull
How gender differences and the visual/verbal aspect of instructions affect problem solving, Tracy Forman
How school-life balance affects student success, Robert Greenwell, Kristen Horton, Haley Oates, Nina Tudor, and Courtney Caldwell
How social activity affects exercise in a rat model of depression proneness, Jacqueline Rojas
How to be the boss everyone wants to work for, Bill Gentry
How willing are we to lower our standards? Mate preferences as a function of mate value and faithfulness history, Laura Loyola and Theresa E. DiDonato
Hyperfeminity and body-related constructs, Breanne R. Forrest and Suzanne L. Osman
Identification of historic burials at the Nabors Family Cemetery, Dade County, Georgia, Nicholas Honerkamp
Identifying the types of insufficient effort responders, Megan Wertheimer and Michael Hein
Identifying users on social networking using pattern recognition in messages, Justin Joshuva
"I'll sleep when I'm dead": exploring the relationship between fatigue, memory, feeling, and mood states among college students, Lanie Foutch, Rachel Bollinger, and Randy Carden
Impact of awareness programs on cholera dynamics: two modeling approaches, Chayu Yang
“I must turn idolator”: religious inversion and the quest for genuine faith in Moby-Dick, Will Marler Dragoo
Individualism, collectivism, and dissonance: a within-culture comparison, Lindsey M. Streamer
Individual-Level and Socio-Contextual Influences on Body Mass Index and Achievement in Adolescence to Young Adulthood, Mellissa S. Gordon
Individual response to three types of nonlethal weapons, Tyrone R. Nixon, Cynthia M. Bridges, and Mara S. Aruguete
Individuals reentering the workforce: Biases, stereotypes, and gender roles., Natalia Ramirez Campos and Richard G. Moffett III
Infant mother and father attachment predict child behavior at 24 months, Haemi Nam and Marla Beyer
Influence of postevent information in the recall of central and peripheral details of an eyewitnessed event, Kathi Kaeler, Yvonne Larson, and Gloria Marmolejo
Influence of question-phrasing and response-scale in speed estimation of witnessed accidents, Melissa M. Winter and Gloria Marmolejo
Influence of social facilitation and gender differences on purchasing behavior of consumers in a mall, Laura J. Lee and Allison L. Martin
Inspection and historical documentation of the Earnest Mill Site, Nolichucky River, State Rout 351, Greene County, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
Integrating eastern philosophy into western psychology: a primer for students of applied psychology, Erica Hurley and Jennifer L. Callahan
Interactions of depressed mothers and their infants: a review of the literature, Anita Kochanoff
In the mind of the predator: the possibility of psychological distress in the drone pilot community, Matthew S. Lowe and James T. Gire
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors and Type A behavior pattern, Karen M. Ratliff and Sharon J. Hicks
Investigating the accuracy of parallel analysis in underextraction conditions: A monte carlo study, Justin M. Jones M.S. Candidate and Reagan D. Brown Ph.D.
Investigation of a new method for synchronous generator loss of excitation protection, Enass Mohammed
Irrational in its rationality: a critique of the all lives matter movement and one-dimensional society, Elliot Newell
Is personality related to the music I like? A study of music preferences and sensation seeking, Anna Coker Rhodes and Randy Carden
Is shared or formal leadership effective in guiding aerospace teams to financial success?, Jessi Pope, Megan Snodgrass, Ryan Bearden, Glenn Littlepage, and Megan Wertheimer
Is there a relationship between participation in athletics and eating disorders?, Jamie L. Constantz and Susan E. Mason
It is all how you look at it: The relationship between performance appraisal formats and perceived purposefulness, Louis Savastano, Kayla Kirk, Jessica Harris, Cameron Brown, Shawn Bergman, and Glenn Ellen Starr-Stilling
"I would feel uncomforable if my child's teacher were gay": examining the role of symbolic homophobia and political affiliation, Michael Moore and Amy Moors
Juror perception: criminal verdicts based on race, G. S. Bradshaw
Just delivering the news or something more? How the mass media influence public opinion and public perception, Tamara D. Marashlian
Krein's identity and trace formulas for half-line Schrodinger operators, Philip C. Sofo
Landscape archaeology at the Doak House, Nicholas Honerkamp
"Large quantities had to be marked for disposal" : an artifact inventory of Shiner's Trench, Fort Frederica National Monument, Nicholas Honerkamp
Leader behavior and follower work behavior: the influence of follower characteristics, C. Allen Gorman and Jason Gamble
Leadership, graduate school, and professional development: Project, process and personal development, Shawn Bergman, Bridget Wasowski, Casher Belinda, and Katherine Lesniak
Learning Organization, its Relationship with Knowledge Performance and Financial Performance, Jeeun Yi
Learning Support and Auxiliary Services Committee report, 2016-2017, Jennifer T. Ellis
Life experience in selective attention, Jacquelyn M. Davis
Limited excavation of a Dallas Period Mississippian housesite at the Heritage Place Site, 40HA210, Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council and Nicholas Honerkamp
Linear elastic mesh deformation via localized orthotropic material properties optimized by the adjoint method, William L. Shoemake
LinkedIn vs. Facebook: examining job seekers' reactions to organizations' use of social media screening, Mat Clodfelter, Hannah Booth, Nkem Obi-Melekwe, Nile LaTowsky, Chris Hartwell, and Shawn Bergman
Long distance vs proximal romantic relationships: Predicting commitment, investments, and bias, Arielle C. Butler and Wind Goodfriend
Looking for red flags: using Facebook as a background screen in hiring, Bhavik A. Modi, Cameron L. Brown, Shawn M. Bergman, and Chris Hartwell
Love is a battlefield: experience of love in relation to depression, Laura Hill and Cherisse Flanagan
Making it stick: The secret to developing a data-driven culture, Cheryl Nickel, Lorin Farr, Aimee Wood, Shawn Bergman, and Christopher J. L. Cunningham
Marriage length, spousal support, and marital satisfaction in dual-income men and women, Shaday A. Gallimore, Jennifer L. Hughes, and Holly A. Geldhauser
Measuring the presence of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in East Tennessee, Erin A. Schrenker
Mediating the cultivation of fear through media literacy education, Catherine N. Collins and Kristine L. Slank
Memory decrement and proactive interference, William J. Thornton and Bennett L. Schwartz
Memory for frequency of complex sounds, Jennifer R. Lewis
Mental health intervention and prevention of stategies for emergency service personnel facing traumatic stress symptoms, Kathryn Cochran and C. Albert Bardi
Methods for handling missing data for multiple-item questionnaires, Sydney R. Siver and Alexander M. Schoemann
Microexpression detection in undergraduate students, Cameron R. Howell and Rebecca E. Hughes
Modelling the role of chance in mating dynamics, Libby K. Boykin
Moral Injury and Stress Response Patterns in United States Military Veterans, Emily L. Ferrell, John M. Huyser, and Matthew Dykas
Mother-daughter olfaction identification, Linda N. Johnson
Moti-faction: retaining and engaging employees using motivation profile-based rewards, Gina A. Anderson and Susan Bornstein-Forst
MSTROKE: Methods of Fall Detection and Data Storage, Austin Harris
Narcissism and altruism among undergraduate business and religion majors, Dillon Jones, Kerri Carden, and Randy Carden
None for the money: how we actually make monetary decisions: a literature review, Michael C. Mullarkey and Scott Parker
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Committee report, 2016-2017, Patrick Sweetman
Nutrition education intervention in a low-income middle school increases students’ smart beverage choices, Liana Rodrigues
Occupational ego identity statuses in college students, Nicole Surething and Kathleen Crowley-Long
Occupational possible selves: patterns among male and female undergraduates, Lori D. Lindley, Linda M. Chalk, and Aimee Ellenich
Octahedral ruthenium(II) complexes for C-H bond activation and olefin hydroarylation, Patrick Z. Zdunek
On the river's edge: prehistoric occupations on the Heritage Place Tract, Chattanooga, Tennessee., Nicholas Honerkamp
On the waterfront : archaeological research at Fort Frederica National Monument, St. Simons Island, Georgia, Nicholas Honerkamp, R. Bruce Council, and Elizabeth J. Reitz
On the δ-conjecture for graphs with minimum degree |G| – 4, Matthew Villanueva
Organizational justice as a mediator between job insecurity and its predictors, Adriane M.F. Sanders, A. Courtney Keim, and David R. Earnest
Organizational perceptions of I-O interventions: Construction of a diagnostic measure, Adam Smith, Sarah Slife, Elizabeth Ritterbush, and Rachel Whitman
Out-group exploitation through depersonalization in a prisoner's dilemma game, Risa Ohkawa
Parents perceptions of the internet and its effects on their children, Brittany Hill
Participation in a priming task predicts persistence, Brandi L. Dilgard, Cassandra G. Mosely, Melissa D. Welch, and Jessica L. Bates
Peer perception of physically attractive children and prejudicial biases against physically unattractive children, Darla J. Lawson
Peers + performance pressure = math anxiety?, Dawn M. Boyung and R. Reed Hardy
Perceived parenting syle and social problem solving skills in young adults, Victoria L. DeRosa, Salvatore Musso, and Colleen Jacobson
Perceived racism as a predictor of depression and cultural mistrust, Erika L. Harrington and Madeline A. Fugere
Perceived Work Life Balance: Exploring the Influence of Cultural Experience on Work Life Balance Perceptions, Alexis McCoy and David Earnest
Perceptions of date rape on a college campus, Donita A. Phipps and Christine M. Szekeres
Perceptions of social decisions made by individuals of different ages, Roberta Sutton, Lisa S. Wagner, and Kathleen E. Cook
Perpetration experience and gender predicting empathy with a stranger or acquaintance rapist, Ruby L. Orth and Suzanne L. Osman
Personality and recruitment: what corporate organizations can learn from Greek life, Samantha Prager and David R. Earnest
Personality as a moderator of the relationship between stress and academic deviance, Aaron Williams
Personality factors related to sobriety for participants in Alcoholics Anonymous, Harold L. Goodearle and Colleen Hester
Persuasive impact of one-sided videos on reasoning about abortion, Suzanne M. Dodd, Andrea Bailey Sims, and Stephen E. Buggie
Petitions Committee report, 2015-2016, Virginia Cairns
Petitions Committee report, 2016-2017, Virginia Cairns
Phase II archaeological research at the Radisson Hotel site, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia, Nicholas Honerkamp and Briana Agranat
Physiological and psychological responses to stress in elite swimmers, Josie M. Jedick
Physiological arousal response to differing musical genres, Ericka Kelley, Gabrielle Andrick, Fayelin Benzenbower, and Marlene Devia
Pluralistic ignorance concerning alcohol usage among recent high school graduates, Jill S. Braddock and Tonia R. Wolf
Post-fledging habitat use and movements of worm-eating warblers in the Tennessee River Gorge, Holland Youngman
Postnatal depression: a review of the literature, Shannon Pridgen and Minhnoi C. Wroble Biglan
Power of the Southern melting pot: analysis of Joel Chandler Harris’s Uncle Remus as Southern folklore and cultural appropriation, Robyn M. Johnson
Practitioner responses to DSM categorization of hoarding, Megan Martins and Valerie Smith
Predicting psychological mindedness: anxiety and attachment styles, Kara Owens and Tracy A. Prout
Prehistoric and historic cultural resources in the Chattanooga area and an assessment of four prospective sites for the proposed River Port at Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, E. Raymond Evans and Nicholas Honerkamp
Prehistoric camps and villages: testing at 9Cam171H and 9Cam188, King's Bay, Georgia, Robin L. Smith
Prevalence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) in watercourses situated in southeast Tennessee, Macall A. Nabors
Professional development in arts integration: an activity theory analysis of participating teachers' experiences, Joel F. Baxley
Professional females: are there enough available? Gender bias of female victims, Debbie Leecock
Professor burnout: satisfaction with salary and perception of student competence, Danielle Smith, Bethany Burmeister, and Randy Carden
Promotion Recommendations of All Sizes, Jeanette Badar and Judith Van Hein
Provost student research awards report : inventory and assessment of Austin-Western Collection, Beth Laudeman and Nicholas Honercamp
Psychological and demographic predictors of cellular phone use of college students, Crystal M. McWhirter and Linda J. Palm
Psychological distress, attachment, and conflict resolution in romantic relationships, Julie Petersen and Benjamin Le
Quantifying and Qualifying the Links that Bind, Jared Dirghalli
Racial identity in biracial adolescents from one african-american and one caucasian-american parent, LaNice Stanley
Rape culture and the workplace: How do we change it?, Alexandra Zelin
Rate and frequency of demands on children with autism, Colton Cassanelli, Timothy Piskura, and Valerie Smith
Reclaiming the Promise: Using Management Discipline to Get Tangible Benefit from Diversity Efforts, James Rodgers
Recognition of facial expressions by socially and emotionally disturbed children, Janice E. Bollman
Recovery from stroke involving the left middle cerebral artery, Lori Walter
Recruitment Source Usage and Decision-Making Styles: An Examination of the Individual Differences Hypothesis, Danielle Reagan, Liam Nield, and Yalcin Acikgoz
Relationship between trait anxiety and health-related factors, Sarah L. Garnaat, Jessica E. Gwinn, Sara L. Riley, Lisa A. Winslow, Michael C. Hansbourgh, Amanda L. Zielinski, Erin L. Gorter, Jennifer Blevins, and Sumner J. Sydeman
Relationships Between Levels of Mindfulness and Subjective Well-Being in Undergraduate Students, Rikki J. Rosini, Amanda Nelson, Eve Sledjeski, and Thomas Dinzeo
Relationships between perceived leader sincerity, trust in leader, and employee outcomes, Christopher Morgan, Brian O'Leary, Christopher J.L. Cunningham, and Amye Warren
Retention among first year college students: an application of the theory of planned behavior, Jose A. Cantt and Guillermo Wated
Retesting in a promotional process: Amount of time between tests accounting for magnitude of score increases, Sydney L. Reichin, Mark C. Frame, Alexander T. Jackson, and Michael Hein
RMS Titanic: creating an American obsession, Judith E. Cathey
Ross's Landing at Chattanooga : a cultural resource history of the Chattanooga waterfront, R. Bruce Council
Same, but different: understanding Asians' attitudes towards affirmative action, Luisa J. Maun and Brian J. O'Leary
School culture and teacher change fatigue: examining the mediating effects of person-organization fit, Erin E. Leuschke and Patrick McCarthy
Searching for Geechee footprints: plantation research on Ossabaw Island, Georgia, Nicholas Honerkamp
Secondary testing and evaluation of the McNish site : 9CH717, Hunter Army Airfield, Chatham County, Savannah, Georgia, R. Bruce Council, Robin L. Smith, and Nicholas Honercamp
Selection bias towards failed entrepreneurs, Yingying Li and Judith Van Hein
Self and peer-ratings of self-esteem and cardiovascular reactivity to laboratory stressors in cadets, Samantha D. Price, Kaitlin M. Harrison, Alex D. Green, and Keith A. Kline
Self-assessments of Decision Making Under Stress in a Flight Operations Center Simulation, Jessi Pope and Dr. Michael Hein
Self-efficacy and gender in STEM majors, Katie Jordan and Randy Carden
Self-Generating Questions and Concept Mapping to Improve Long-term Recall Performance, Sydney Cooper
Self-handicapping mediates between impulsiveness and self-discipline, Jessica M. McKinney, Kyle D. Maxwell, and Richard L. Metzger
Self-protective attributions in stigmatized individuals, Theodore Harding and Dorothee Dietrich
Sequoya review, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Sex and God #blesses: the relationship between faith and reported frequency of hooking-up among college students, Charles W. Woods, Rachel P. Ryan, J. Alexa Robinson, and Jennifer Silva Brown
Sex differences in multiple dimensions of jealousy, Kayla Corzine
Sex: the defining variable in mate selection, Shirley A. Forbes, Tanacha Brown, Timothy Adams, and Lenore Davis
Sexual harassment perception as influenced by a harasser's physical attractiveness and job level, Mark E. Savery
Shared neural circuits: The connection between social and physical pain, Laura A. Andrews and Theresa E. DiDonato
She asked for it: statistics and predictors of rape myth acceptance, Patrice Crall and Wind Goodfriend
Shiner's Trench : recycling the archaeological record at Fort Frederica, Nicholas Honerkamp
Show up identification procedures: A literature review, Mattias Sjoberg and Roderick Lindsay
Single parenting: fewer negative effects of children's behaviors than claimed, Dominic Schmuck
Smiley face symbols: students' reactions as a function of a professor's request to meet, Alyssa A. Radford
Social acceptance of adolescents with Tourette syndrome, Rebekah M. Craig
Social exclusion in teams, Summer Rudd and Chanda Murphy
Social identity and academic belonging: creating environments to minimize the achievement gap among African American and Latino students, Joanne C. Skourletos, Mary C. Murphy, Katherine T.U. Emerson, and Evelyn A. Carter
Something completely different - high tech leaders: a portrait of leadership in the digital age, Jeff McGehee and Gabe Weaver
Spontaneous alternating behavior, attention, and exploration: the effects of colchicine lesions in the rat hippocaompal formation, David E. Wagoner Jr. and Zhenique M. Israelian
Spontaneous countermeasures during polygraph examinations: an apparent exercise in futility, Kimberly D. Otter-Henderson and Charles R. Honts
Stable inconsistency: a study of respondent inconsistency over time, James Nauert and Michael Biderman
Stable inconsistency: a study of response inconsistency over time, James A. Nauert
Stimulants for enhancement purposes: perceptions attitudes, usage among university students, Cara M. Karter, Lorenzo A. Washington, and Anthony J. Ludlam
Stimulating fear reduction: visual stimulus, verbal and spatial concentration and their effects on fear, Gregory E. Dixon
Student Media Board Committee report, 2015-2016, Lisa Burke-Smalley
Student Media Board Committee report, 2016-2017, David Sachsman
Student Rating of Faculty Instruction Committee report, 2016-2017, Chantelle Swaren
Students' sophistication level and confidence in testing procedures predicts susceptibility to the Barnum effect, Thomas R. Rutledge
Subliminal perception and the Stroop effect, Sandra Harvey, Shannon Keathley, Delinda Muniz, and Ginger Tidmore
Superstitious behavior and ritualistic practices among former athletes, Alexander Roorda and Bart L. Weathington
Supervisor, coworker, and organizational supportiveness of flexible work-life balance policies and its impact on perceived promotion probability, Jacqueline Masso and Patrick McCarthy
Switching genders: identifying the evaluator in stereotype threat for men and women in a math context, Mirjana A. Antonic, Mary C. Murphy, Katherine T.U. Emerson, and Lara D. Mercurio
Symbolic interaction and an interpretive approach to cross cultural psychiatry, Henry Dyson
Synchrony and conflict: the relationships among eating disordered attitudes, gender role orientation, and dating styles, Marybeth R. Schubert and Elizabeth Nutt Williams
Synesthesia and memory: an exploratory analysis, Caleb Robinson
Systematic review of patellar luxation in dogs, Alexandria D. Holt
"Tell me you own me, gimme them coins": postfeminist fascination with Lolita, Lana Del Rey, and sugar culture on Tumblr, Rachel E. Davis
Terror management theory: A theoretical perspective on orgination, maintenance, and research, Robert B. Arrowood and J. Brian Pope
Test excavations at Citico (40HA65) Hamilton County, Tennessee, E. Raymond Evans and Gerald Smith
The age of racial profiling in the context of terrorism, Amanda L. Smith and Susan E. Mason
The appraisal similarity effect: how social appraisals influence liking, Jomel W. X. Ng, Eddie M. W. Tong, and Sher Ling Kwek
The art of work autonomy: a test of its influence on job embeddedness, Qian Jiang, Chris W. Wright, and Amy Smith
The bilateral field advantage on verbal and nonverbal matching tasks, Jennifer Reyburn
The camp site beneath the Cravens House porch, Jeffrey L. Brown
The caregiver’s burden: Psychological distress in the younger adult caregiver, Kelsey C. Bacharz and Leilani B. Goodmon
The challenges in the transition to adulthood for foster care youth: a literature review, Megan Steffe and Carolyn McNamara Barry
The changing nature of friendships over the lifespan, Emily Pica and Karri Verno
The commonalities of creativity and suicide in college students, Christopher W. Drapeau and Daniel DeBrule
The correlation of social approachability, social interaction, and tolerance levels depending on the presence of a dog, Darla J. Lawson
The Dark Side of Performance Appraisals: A Study of University Librarians Across the U.S., Alexis Hellman, Samantha K. Everett, and Cameron L. Brown
The "deserving poor" in colonial Georgia : elite and non-elite domestic sites at Fort Frederica, Georgia, Nicholas Honerkamp
The difficulties of psychologcal adjustment for female rape victims: a literature review, Jackie Castille and Carolyn Barry
The ecological validity of the self-explanation effect: the deleterious effect of music on self-explanations, Jason Geller and Robert J. Calin-Jageman
The effect of audio recordings and photographs of autistic and typical children on social judgments, Lauren Ulander and Ingrid Farreras
The effect of cause-related marketing and motivation on consumer perceptions, Gina McCoy and Randall A. Renstrom
The effect of display rules on illusion of transparency in children, A. A. Benedetti, C. L. Dawson, S. L. Staranko, E. A. Swanson, and J. J. Horton
The effect of field dependence and target type on search time, Joe Buissink
The effect of freedom of choice on cognitive performance, Stephanie Cole and Mali Sengchannavong
The effect of group size on social facilitation and social loafing as measured in productivity, Anissa Adams and Jenny Counard
The effect of music genre on a memory task, Darragh Bugter and Randy Carden
The effect of psychological skills training on competitive state anxiety in collegiate swimmers, Shea H. Davisson
The effect of the NMDA noncompetitive antagonist ketamine on serial learning in rats, Brooks Snider, David M. Compton, and Robert Foster
The effect of unresolved interruptions on prospective memory, Joseph T. Slayton
The effect of victim bias on length of defendant sentencing, Joanne Economou
The effects of acquaintance versus stranger rape and gender on rape myth acceptance and attitudes toward rape in college students, Shellie Patscheck and Sharon Shears
The effects of a standardized ginkgo bilboa extract on learning in aged and young rats, Scott Heldt
The effects of caffeinated vs. placebo beverage on self-reported mood state in college students, Sheena Williams, Jason King, and Johnathan Hammersley
The effects of e-cigarette exposure on cell viability and gene expression, Christine Hale
The effects of education on homophobic attitudes in college students, Janell Horton, Mark Senffner, K. Schiffner, E. Riveria, and Judith G. Foy
The effects of emerging adulthood on stress and depression, Christine Cusack and Christopher Merchant
The effects of experienced childhood maternal abuse on adult attachment styles, Joseph Oliva, Richard Velayo, and Katherine Erwin
The effects of face-to-face and online social stress on emotion identification, Anna N. Rabasco and Erin S. Sheets
The effects of HIV onset, gender and casual sex attitude on perceptions and reactions towards PLHIV, Colin Hong Jie Tan and George D. Bishop
The effects of modality and stimilus type on memory for frequency, Kelly Pritchard
The effects of self-efficacy, perceptions of ethical misconduct, and guilt-proneness on CWBs, Stacey M. Stremic, Sydney L. Reichin, Aneeqa Thiele, Alexander T. Jackson, and Mark C. Frame
The effects of situational cues on inducing stress, Asma Mahood and Rebecca White
The effects of sodium salicylate on sexual arousal in adult male mice (mus domesticus), Andrew S. Manos
The effects of the cold pressor task on memory recall, Hayden Lemer
The effects of video game play on academic performance, Jancee Wright
The etiology of conduct disorder and its relation to antisocial personality disorder: A literature review, Lyndsi Maciow and Carolyn McNamara Barry
The fantasy of wealth: Attracting college graduates into the workforce, Nile LaTowsky, Shawn M. Bergman Dr., and James Westerman Dr.
The Hammer-Taylor House site : archaeological testing of site 40WG60, Johnson City, Washington County, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
The impact of previous operant learning on subsequent maze learning in rats, Anissa Adams
The impact of supervisor gender on employee's job satisfaction, Cody Brumbelow, Janeli Bercerra, Erin Cook, and Caroline Wilson
The impact of task difficulty, defendant's race, and race salience on conformity in mock jury deliberations, Allegra Giorgia Poggio and Amy Bradfield Douglass
The impact of the variability hypothesis on Margaret F. Washburn's and Mary W. Calkins' parodoxical relations with faculty in their graduate programs, Ginger Hudson and Ann N. Elliott
The importance of early intervention: treatments for conduct disorder versus treatments for antisocial personality disorder, Lindsay J. Buck
The importance of handedness for females: solving visual-spatial problems, Elise M. Pforr
The influence of gender on the relationship between problem-solving and agression, Maria Evola
The influence of postevent credibility in the report of eyewitnessed events, Shelly Wolesky and Gloria Marmolejo
The influence of the self in partner behavior interpretation, Lauren M. Acri and Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr.
The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Leaders and Followers, Katherine Stottmann and Courtney Keim
The intellectual, ethical, and, spiritual dimensions of the Islamic thought, Ambreen Sohani
The interaction of source and post-event misinformation on the accuracy of eyewitness testimony, Dirk Dickens, Alice Ishigame, David Subacz, Stephanie Sponsel, Matthew Strader, and Judith Foy
The Internal Revenue Code: a burden for taxpayers or an instrument for social change?, Heather N. Murray
The journey of imagery in relation to post traumatic stress (PTSD) treatment: a literature review, Jamie E. Rains
The measurement of attitudes toward abortion, Michael G. Taylor and George I. Whitehead
The mental health benefits of having dogs on college campuses, Trenton Adams, Catherine Clark, Victoria Crowell, Kolleen Duffy, Margaret Green, Selena McEwen, Allison Wrape, and Frank Hammonds
The Palestenian-Israeli conflict and its impact on the mental health of youth, Jeffray Feliciana
The presence of a dog increases greetings: a study in social intervention, Emily Dunlap, Lori Graham, April Burton, and Chassity Roberts
The presence of gender biases and sex-role stereotypres in animated children's movies, Tracey K. Wheatcraft
The priming effects of parental divorce on relationship attitudes, Donna Wetzel and Faye D. Plascak-Craig
The problem with online data collection: predicting invalid responding in undergraduate samples, Patricia Al-Salom and Carlin J. Miller
The reality of the city : urban archaeology at the Telfair site, Savannah, Georgia, Nicholas Honerkamp, R. Bruce Council, and H. Charles Fairbanks
The relation between college student involvement and satisfaction, Whitney D. Reed and Stephanie P. da Silva
The relationship amond self-, teachers', and peers' perceptions of competence for children with severe behavior disorders, Anna Marie Stewart and David S. Glenwick
The relationship between adolescent self-esteem and delinquent, extracurricular, and employment behaviors, Tina M. Lane and Ann N. Elliott
The relationship between hypergender ideology and rape empathy among male and female college students, Erin E. Okun and Suzaime L. Osman
The relationship between individual differences in rumination, distractibility, and depression, David Y. Suh and Deanna M. Barch
The relationship between parenting style and chilren's anger, aggressive behavior, and perception of intention, Patricia Bardina and Michelle Wilson
The relationship between past leader experience and leadership attitudes, Sean Rowland, Michelle Pleasant, and Chanda Murphy
The relationship between racial attitudes and racial anxiety in a diverse academic setting: is it black and white?, Chelsea G. McAloon
The relationship between religious knowledge and dogmatism in college students, Christopher F. Silver
The relationship between rumination, gender, age, and posttraumatic stress, Amber M. Markham and Susan E. Mason
The relationship between sensation seeking, psychopathy, and deception, Ashley D. Dickey
The relationship between single-sex and co-educational environments on socioemotional development, Jennifer M. Bonds-Raacke and Sandra D. Nicks
The relationship between stress and college adjustment: the moderating role of spirituality, Ashley K. Gilliam, Carolyn McNamara Barry, and Natasha A. Bacchus
The relationship of black racial identity and aggressive humor, Tina Reifsteck
The relationship of low self-esteem and somatic complaint in children, Jan Frazier
The relationship of religiosity to psychopathy: the predictive ability of religious orientation for stress and depression in college undergraduates, Robert B. Arrowood, J. Brian Pope, and Thomas Harlow
The relationships between acting experience, self-esteem, and self-monitoring, Tamara C. Peters
The role of gender in the processing of dating scripts, Krista M. Reed and Lea T. Adams
The role of hair color in the perception of attractiveness, Pamela R. Hinney
The role of life events, coping style, college adjustment, and parent and peer relationship quality in predicting relational aggression in first-year college students, Annelise Nelson and Jennifer Ruh Linder
The role of resilience, emotion regulation, and perceived stress on college academic performance, Katherine A. Pendergast
The role of self-disclosure in buffering negative feelings within adolescent friendships, Nicholaas David W. Smith and Mandy B. Medvin
The role of sense of coherence in stressor appraisal, Lisa Brady
The role of sense of coherence in stressor appraisal, Lisa Brady and Christopher J.L. Cunningham
"The smouldering ruin and the ivyed wall": archaeology at the Oglethrope Site, St. Simons Island, Georgia, Nicholas Honerkamp
The story that cannot be told: nine chapters of historical fiction with a craft essay, Jessica K. Miller
The Tennessee Riverpark excavations: Archaeological testing at sites 40HA102 and 40HA233, Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council
The Ultimate Culture Change Learning Session, Tim Kuppler
The Union Railyards Site : industrial archaeology in Chattanooga, Tennessee, R. Bruce Council and Nicholas Honercamp
The use of an iPad as a classroom tool, Melissa M. McGovern-Trone and Jeremy G. Turner
Though the darkness hide thee: a study of depression and Christian spirituality, Katheryn Klukow
Three sites on Sandy Run : phase II evaluation of sites 9Cam183, 184, and 185 at Kings Bay, Georgia, Robin L. Smith, R. Bruce Council, and Rebecca Saunders
Time After Time: Creating a Culture of Development by Assessing at Multiple Times, Emilie Seyfang, Sydney L. Reichin, Kali Thompson, Jessie McClure, and Mark Frame
Time-dependent adjoint-based optimization of photonic crystals and metamaterials using a stabilized finite element method, Xueying Zhang
Tired of survey fatigue?, Hung Loan Nguyen
To read or not to read: the usefulness of informed consent, Natasha E. Webb and Elizabeth D. Taylor
Traipsing the old stomping grounds: the first three stories of a novel-in-stories with a craft essay, Jennifer R. Jones
Trust in Direct Leader and Employee Outcomes: The Moderating Effects of Leaders’ Perceived Emotional Sincerity, Christopher Morgan
Unanimity as a rule for group consensus: a review of the theoretical and experimental literature on the use of unanimity in group decision making, Kevin C. Rumison
Undergraduate Admissions Committee report, 2015-2016, Gail Meyer
Undergraduate Admissions Committee report, 2016-2017, Aaron Shaheen
Understanding an Organization’s Culture through its Stories, Chris Cummings and Alex Lavidge
Understanding the Effect of Individualism vs. Collectivism on Ethical Decision Making, Aneeqa Thiele, Alexander T. Jackson, Natalia Ramirez Campos, Elizabeth McNamara, Hung Loan Nguyen, Renee Dererer, Stacey M. Stremic, and Macie E. Mussleman
Understanding the problem of school violence: predictive factors of bullying and victimization, Alisha Santana
Unfolding the mystery of aggression in children and adolescents, Erin Rapien
Unskilled-unaware and the role of defensive high self-esteem, Kim Wilson and Christine Smith
Using the development of and differences on self-report measures to learn data analysis, Jonathan W. Amburgey and Donald A. Saucier
Verbal abuse in married versus non-married couples: the relationship between perception of acceptability and experience, Po Wa Wong and Brigitte K. Matthies
Visual and olfactory recognition of familiar humans and elephants by African elephants, Victoria Perret
Visual versus auditory learning and memory recall performance on short-term versus long-term tests, Katie Lindner, Greta Blosser, and Kris Cunigan
Walk in my shoes: college students' and their parents' predictions of their own health practices if they were each others' age, Amy B. Clineff, Colleen Frantz, Charles I. Brooks, and Jean P. O'Brien
What a girl wants: female mate selection in terms of monetary resources and number of children, Stefanit Tucker
What are public views on using video to deter crime and consumer fraud?, Ada W.J. Chan, Shani Rumaldo, and Robert Emmons
What does the client see? a review of psychotherapists' nonverbal behavior, Iris Taber
When counting sheep becomes counting worries: insomnia, rumination, and depression, Huiting Lui, Partrick Rich, Emily Maurer, and Shivani Santoki
When deception gets personal: an exploration into personality's link to deception, Jason T. Weber
Whither Coosa in Chattanooga?, Nicholas Honerkamp and R. Bruce Council
Who is more creative? Assessing the role that individual characteristics play in their relationship with creativity in various domains, Katelyn J. Class and Michael Hein
Who trusts Twitter? Openness to ideas as a predictor of trust and interest in news of an international disaster presented in Twitter and traditional on-line journalism formats, Emily J. Dunn, Greg Feldman, Alandra Klove, Christine Lowery, and Kelly Pelham
Why worried workers won’t withdraw: A proposal to expand our understanding of the antecedents and consequences of job insecurity., Courtney Allen and Matthew Mazzei Ph.D
"Woman is man's best friend and her own worst enemy": jury bias, Ashley C. Nielson, Laura K. Jones, and Timothy M. Woodrum
Working plantations on Sapelo Island : High Point versus Chocolate, Nicholas Honerkamp
Working with clay reduces anxiety among college students, Melissa Lindquist and Cynthia Turk
Working with mental illness and the preparation of social workers, Destini Triplett
Work-life enrichment and work outcomes: a meta-analysis, Erica Britton, William Kelner, Paige Hartman, and Jesse S. Michel
Worry and the inhibition of emotionally valanced stimuli in a directed forgetting paradigm, T. Michelle Brown, Rich Metzger, and Carol Bilbrey
Would New Yorkers help a lost child? 1976 v 2008?, Amanda Verdi
Your attention please! Careless responding as a threat to data quality, Nathan Bowling