Content Posted in 2025
Apathy Correlates with Self-Esteem: A Study of Personality, Orie Kristel IV, Jen Young, Kate Ruley, Laura Seidel, Denise Krch, John Nonnemacher, David Helfand, and Shawn Ogiba
Assessing a police department's reliance on the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) to solve shooting cases: Can NIBIN increase shooting clearance rates?, James Stephen Abbott
Development of the Prosocial Personality at Work Scale, Antonia P. Steward, Sue Falter Mennino, and Barbara A. Fritzsche
Effect of Music Speed on Latency of a Motor Task, Margaret M. Schneider
Effects of Media-Endorsed, Thin-Ideal Body Image on Women's Self-Esteem, Anne E. Stuart
Immediate benefits of remediation wetlands designed for treating acid mine drainage on Signal Mountain, Tennessee, Michelle Tharp
Is the Light Triad really that light?: The Light Triad's role in relationship savior complex, Skylar Robinson and Gary Lewandowski
More Than an Athlete: Exploring Mental Health Concerns Among Student-Athletes, Callista Rochon-Baker and Hillary Wehe
Mothers' Parenting Styles and Their Daughters' Eating Disorders, Tania D. Little, Ruth H. Lindow-Cook, Ramona E. Tolliver, and Tamela L. Sise
The Cyclical-Interaction Model: How Phobia Onset Disrupts Normal Cognitive Processing, Maryl Barton